Vendor Spotlight: Sensational Ceremonies
Sensational Ceremonies is an incredible group of officiants and we have had the joy of working with their team at many beautiful weddings! We had the opportunity to speak to the owner of the company, Reverend Glynn Ferguson, and here is what we found out for you!
– How did Sensational Ceremonies get started?
“I had worked as needed for another officiating coming in the area (which is no longer in business.) As I saw the industry I wanted to be part of something that was better than what I was experiencing. I saw the opportunity to grow beyond more than just Orlando and provide client care at a more personal level than I was seeing in the industry. I also realized that here was an opportunity to not only take care of couples, but to also help pastors, who might be bi-vocational and need the extra income.”
– What should couples expect when hiring your team?
“Our clients should expect a quick response time, unparalleled customer service, and in many cases a new friend, when they deal with Sensational Ceremonies.”
– Do you have officiants for different denominations or languages?
– Can you tell me about your process for selecting officiants for your team?
“When someone contacts Sensational Ceremonies about becoming an officiant with us (and it happens once or twice a week) we take them through a process. We do a thorough background check, call references, they go through a three-step interview process, and once they are on board we work with them to do things the Sensational Ceremonies way.”
– How customizable can your couples be with their ceremony?
“Every couple is unique and so every ceremony should be as unique as the couple. We take our couples through Wedding Words, our ceremony planning kit. The kit allows couples to pick out their ceremony style, vows, readings, etc. They incorporate things they have come across from other sources or they have written themselves. Every Summer we take Wedding Words and ask our team across the country to edit it, submit things to be added to it, and tell me things that really are not a good fit or their clients did not use. In doing this, we keep our ceremony planning kit fresh and on the cutting-edge.”
– What is your favorite part of performing a wedding?

– Do you only work in Central Florida?
“Even through Sensational Ceremonies began in Orlando, we quickly expanded to Tampa. It was my goal to see if we could keep the quality of our service high, while expanding. Tampa was such a great success that we now have teams of officiants in 14 cities and 7 states. Our ministers are real ministers (not the internet kind)…they each have a ministry (outside of weddings) that they are involved in and it is such a blessing to work along side them.”
– What is one tip that you could give to a couple looking to hire an officiant for their wedding?
“As I said earlier, every couple is unique. Couples should sit down and meet with the person that is going to marry them. There should be a connection there. The officiant should want to make their ceremony personal and engaging for them. I have couples that I married years ago that follow me on social media, see me in the Disney parks and say “Hi,” and send me pictures of their babies, when that day comes. We have more than a contract, we have a connection!”
Get in touch, we know you want to!
407-361-7781 |