We have seen the popular wine box ceremony before. This is where the couple writes love letters to each other prior to the ceremony, acknowledges them during the ceremony while putting them in a box with a bottle of wine to open and read the letters on their first anniversary! An alternative to this for a more non-traditional approach is to make a drink during your ceremony. This truly symbolizes mixing different things together to make something better.
The most traditional of Unity Ceremonies, and often still done within church celebrations. Typically, the mothers on each side will light the single taper candles for each family, then the couple takes each of those to light one pillar candle to symbolize the joining of two families. It’s a very literal way to get this idea across and allows other family members to participate!

There are quite a few couples out there that this is their second marriage and/or they have children from previous relationships. The sand ceremonies is another popular one amongst Unity Ceremonies. It allows each family member, including the couple and their children, to have a different color of sand that they have separately then pour into one vase ‘where they can’t be separated’. An alternative to this that we’ve seen lately is a family painting, where each person has a different color and they create an abstract painting to symbolize coming together of art.

For our earthy couples, we have seen planting a tree among the list of Unity Ceremonies. This still shows the meaning behind this concept, while also creating something for your backyard that you can watch as your love grows for each other over the years.
Whatever you decide to put into your wedding ceremony, remember to make your unity ceremonies meaningful to you! Personalize it as much as possible, and include items that can be used as keepsakes for your life together.